
Machine To Profile

Murdock's provide an extensive range of bespoke timbers for internal and external finishes through Murdock's Machined Timber division.

Cranwood Industries is one of Ireland’s leading suppliers of timber and timber-based products. Carrying an extensive range of hardwoods, softwoods, MDF, modified alternatives and sheet materials, and with experienced staff operating state-of-the-art machinery, the company is able to supply both standard and bespoke timber products for all types of projects. Our expert in-house team has the experience, technology and dedication to deliver the aspirations of any large or small project. With our stocks, people and technology we can produce virtually any machined timber product to the most demanding specifications including:

We provide:

  • Machined timber Mouldings
  • MDF primed Mouldings 
  • External Cladding solutions
  • Internal Cladding solutions

Contact your local Branch for more information.